
Truck Mode

This is truck mode. Most using during transportation.

Air Mode

This is air mode. Have high speed but low capacity

Cargo ship

This mode have high capacity. It have low speed, sometimes take month to reach the destination.

Freight train

This is train mode.


High investmen but low cost of maintainance. Usually to transport gas and liquid.

Welcome to our website. We are from KPM Bandar Penawar, course in Diploma in Integrated Logistics Management.

Our class had be assign by our lecturer to post blog about world of logistics.

February 26, 2014


Some may never hear about this company, some maybe likely know about this whole distribution company was. But, Al-Ain Distribution Company (AADC) was in the best gratitude among other Abu Dhabi’s distribution company. This company is actually a public joint stock company publishes on 1 January 1999 with the Head Office at Al Ain. AADC focus on the distribution of water and electricity which cover the Eastern Region of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi included the Al-Ain city and its rural area. Talking about employees there are more than 1934 around the end of 2012 and they basically provides their services at the area of East Region of Abu Dhabi(Al Ain Region) which deliver to over one half million people. 
AADC therefore take a keen concerned on this two party which is their customers and suppliers. In the corner of customer perspective, usually AADC strive for the best quality services to their clients. They adopt a long-term perspective of their client needs and interests. Strategic Planning will ensure services that meet their requirements and exceed their expectations. In the supplier perspective, they had established a long time relationship with their supplier. Prominently, there are some of the supplier had been supplying their products or providing their services to the company since the beginning. The relationship with our suppliers is reviewed periodically and depending on the requirement and market trend new partners are introduced to remain competitive and cost effective.


Nowadays, Al-Ain Distribution Company had become one of the top companies among others which currently updates with the latest technological systems with a complete equipment and facilities. In order to assure the continuity of power supply to consumers they provided the latest equipment in the modernization of power distribution network. . In particular, electrical energy is one of the most important and dynamic factors affecting the national economy. Al Ain Distribution Company is always aware of the responsibility of maintaining, developing and strengthening the main distribution network to meet the requirements of expansion within the city of Al Ain and its outside regions , it fulfills that by using different methods and adopting  new ideas meant to strengthen the network and related control activities.


Water is a daily basis needs for everyone in order to survive for everyday usage. Its emphasis the whole activity that we need to do for our daily operation. The water distribution system at Al Ain comprises of over 3,900 km of water pipelines, from 80 mm to 800 mm diameter and  8 water pumping station owned and operated associated plant which are owned and operated by Al Ain Distribution Company (AADC) and used for the distribution of filtered water to customers and commercial users.

AAs a result of implementing this project, Al Ain Distribution Company won the Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance for the class of the Technical Project for year 2009. More to the point, Al Ain Distribution Company received the award of excellence in the management of energy networks from the British establishment EA-Technology, being one of the world's leading companies in the maintenance of energy equipments through the application of digital mobile servicing system in the Middle East.


Terminal locations are known as a centre which covers a lot of logistics activities. It does play roles as a centre where changing trucking happens, packaging and labelling, pickup and delivery and many others that related with distribution. It provides with many facilities into serving their best to ease the user around the area. Do you know how the process of the product being delivered from the manufacturer until it goes through break-bulk situation and arrived safely at the destination? By multiple of manufacturer of different area the product will be offloading at the distribution centre and value added activities will occur such as packaging and labelling. Then it will uploading back and distribute to another location where it will go through another process. Next, we will discuss on the factors for terminal location such as accessibility and flexibility, strategic place, infrastructure and last but not least market area.

Accessibility had becoming one of the most important facets in locating terminal. It can be said that it must be locate at the strategic place thus there will be more advantage which worth for the service provider. This terminal was known as a distribution centre which determining the type of shipment that will be used based on the characteristics of product itself. Therefore, as it those truck bring so many kind of product demanding from different cost in Malaysia. Thus it wills definitely that these terminals are in a good accessibility. In fact, the distribution centre also involved the activity of pickup and delivery. This terminal can be located at one place surrounding by much type of manufacturing plants. This is because of definitely all those manufacturing will give high requested for delivering their products. So it will give a benefit to those terminals as they don’t have to worry, while the finished goods are highly available for distribute to many location requested. Other else, these terminal must be ensure they are accessible nearer to the highway. All of this, because it will become so much easier for those terminal to deliver their shipment are faster through the highway. Port also one of important facets that should have to give more concern, as it such a place who control the procedure for coming in and out of so many kind of products around the Malaysia as well.

While, in terms of flexibility, as firms are closer with so many accessibility factors, thus those firms become more flexible in order to fulfil request for delivering product to the location stated. In fact, firm must choose a very suitable and such a strategic place which will continuously worth to the terminal itself. Therefore, the firm are able to provide 24 hours services as they we currently closer to many accessibility.

In terms of market area there are many factors that involve for terminal location. So, to build the terminal we must alert about the market area for the terminal location. In terms of market area, the terminal should be nearer with customer and supplier. It is much easier for them to allocate the communication between customer and supplier. Thus, it will results a better customer services and deliver value towards the both party. In fact, the geographic significant could be one of the factors of locate the terminal at the location. The main purpose of looking on this perspective is to ensure that the terminals will be convenience for both customer and supplier. For example, usually any firms will definitely try to evade from building up the terminal near at the risky centre such as at the inaccessible area, forest, and volcano area. On the other side, customer satisfaction is directly being a big concerned for any company whom trying to maximized their profit. As terminal is known as the distribution centre where it needs to deliver the value added activities in the warehouse and distribute those product towards the customer. Thus, it needs to be close to the customer. Then only the value of an efficient and effective customer service will be provided towards the customer.

 The growth and development of the transportation does affects towards the country whereas we are able to seen assorted of infrastructure such as warehouse, terminals and distribution centre. Therefore, for the next factors for terminal location in the view of road transportation we are going to look more on infrastructure perspective. Let us look on the first view which is the distribution centre should be located at the place where it is facilitate with transportation. The beneficial that a firm’s could gain was they are able to deliver to anywhere and anyone by locating their centre at a place where it is facilitate with transportation. In fact, by having a good infrastructure, the pickup and delivery process can results well in terms of efficient management. Next, the infrastructure of the distribution centre should be complete with the material handling where it will directly easy to handle those break-bulk items and pickup the items. These will gives an efficient and effective delivery of the items.

If we want to buy a house, we have to choose the best strategic place. That wills same goes to the terminal, if we meant to build terminal. It must have strategic place to make the transportation run efficiently and smoothly. The terminal must near with demand. The reason is to reduce the cost such as fuel when coming to break bulk activity. It also can lower the level of transit time. Transit can be in low level and will be improved the customer services. For example, most of the distribution centres are located in the area of Pasir Gudang, Johor. Another factor was it must near with factory development. If the freight which we hold was defects, therefore the factory that near with the terminal can be repaired and packaging back when it comes to the goods, we don’t know what will happen during the journey. By using this ideas it can be a good benefit to the company.    

February 20, 2014


Transportation is a key element for every movement of goods over the world. It's affecting every business, person either directly or indirectly. Somehow as transportation system are now well organized that most people forget that we needs to concerned on it's development and sustain the transportation future. For now, we will discuss on every aspect which is economy significant, environment significant, social equity significant and green transportation significant. This is however an extremely difficult challenge. Considering that the automobile is achieving worldwide.

Economy Significant
In the economy perspective, government should take concerned of expanding market into international trade. Therefore, by allowing higher level of economic aspects such as increased the labor usage and resource, a nation world able to focus on their transportation capabilities, competitiveness, the economy significant into maintaining the transportation future are achieved by the authorities.

Environment significant
Nowadays, the environment aspects of the transportation of the transportation sector gives a big impact towards the citizens. Recently pollution crisis had rising dramatically over the last two decade. The air quality problems had persistently in many urban areas such as Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. The authorities should highlight this matter where they need to better consider the multifaceted implications of transportation system charges. The growth of public transportation therefore helps the environment and the society. By using hydrogen fuel for buses gives less impact towards pollution. Together with that, quiet ride offer many benefit. For example, it gives a healthy environment and better society relationship.

Social equity
Basically, if we turn back 30 year,there are very poor modes of transportation where most the people aren't able to ensure that they arrived at their workplace on the right fine. This situation brought a lot of difficulty towards the citizens. Households in locations with poor accessibility to employment opportunities and other destinations and no alternatives to driving and to spend more on transportation. Investment that improve accessibility and provide more transportation choices will ease the community.

Green Transportation
Definitely, people nowadays are preferred to uses something cheapest. Therefore we are able to save money used in our daily life. Especially, people will choose the lower fuel of the transportation as they used it in every single day. In the view of transportation, people preferred to use National Gas Vehicle (NGV) as it is far cheaper that cost of fuel. This NGV know as alternative fuel can be used. Green transportation is extremely important to Malaysia's economy. Being entrusted to lead the nation's move towards green technology, the authorities can introduce the electric bus for public transportation. This is as to support the county to lead the green technology initiative in the country by country a green environment which is free pollution.


Transportation is a key activity in logistics because it moves product through the various stages of production and ultimately to the consumer. One area of significant change in recent years has been the increase in the number of companies operating in the global marketplace. The global branding represents the brand power of a product. Brand power is best defined as the measure of a customer’s purchase preference based on manufacturer reputation, product quality and supply chain capabilities. Providing a branded product towards the market in the country will give a high level of customer satisfaction. For instance, NIKE is one of the well known products with certainly provides a high level quality where it is a worldwide. Therefore, by using transportation it gives a firm much more easily for them to globalize their product into worldwide. Thus, it will expend market towards globalization by using intermodalism where many modes of transportation are used for providing the delivery of the product.

In order to service global markets, transportation networks become necessarily for the community. This are vital enough especially for forward and reverse flow. In global production, we will discuss more on supplying product. Supply chain itself defined as a firm whom collaborating to leverage strategic positioning and to improve operating efficiency. Well for the best example, in India beef are prohibited as well as serving it at any restaurant. Therefore, by using transportation and delivered food which much more appropriate with the country rules and regulation will gives the benefits to the firms themselves? For the best example in this situation, MacDonald restaurant located in India where once being boycott by the community for serving beef burger where it is prohibited to the country for even eat the food. To resolve this problem they change the menu by delivering the menu follows the regulation. The key is, transportation is important of serving the best quality product.

Each motherland has their own specialties which give big benefit to the kingdom itself. Therefore, it also depends on how they manage and control the specialties effectively and efficiently thus it will worth the country so much more then. As the kingdom are able to earn revenue to the max once they have a very good planning towards the specialties they owned tough. Which means, planning is about ensuring either the operation or process or activity of a product is set up to run properly? It’s actually focusing more on ‘doing the right thing’. Country also able to gain and even more profit if they used it in such variable manners to many types of product. Once they have stable economy of the specialties, thus they have such a big chance to penetrate into global markets. Besides, the country itself may become as supplier to supply the product wide globally. For instance, Brunei Darul Salam is one of the richest country around the world as we already knew. As they had such a big specialties of fuel in the area of their kingdom. Obviously, It really gives such a big impact towards the nation’s revenue. In the view of the specialties they had, they are able to conquer world to the max worth billions.

Information does becoming the most important facet that organizes the delivery operation of the product from the point of the origin to the point of the consumption. Therefore, firms ought to plan well thus all their information related to the product are widely spread out to the word. As world growth up with high technology, thus many firms implement by using a system as a keeping record all the information related to the firms’ businesses. For instance, customs can be defined as the centralization of information between both kingdoms. Those firm who widely global their product used the customs as the center of all information related. Firm might use intermediaries to obtain more details regarding the product itself.

Talk about centralization of inventories, for the sure all of you imagine that the warehouse in the centre between the consumer. Actually, that imagined possibility was right. Warehouse must be nearest with the consumer in order to fulfill the customer demand and it is will be easy to the customer to get the products or services as they want. For example, the company come from Terengganu. Whereas the customer come from Johor. For the customer it is difficult to get the product. If the company has a warehouse in the centre between Terengganu and Johor, it will be easy to the customer to get the products or services. They no need to go to the company for get the product as long as the company has a warehouse in the middle.

February 13, 2014


Being a student of Diploma In Integrated Logistics Management we had learn so much on logistics activities throughout this 4 semester. We are grateful that the knowledge that we grab from our supportive lecturer are happen to give us more explanation on the world of logistics. The definition of logistic itself is the process of planning, implementing and controlling efficiently and effectively the forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customer requirement. For this post, we are excited to describe more on one of the world largest shipping company which is MAERSK SEALAND.


In the view of logistics, there are some concepts that we implemented in order to fulfill customer requirement. As obviously we could see nowadays people also should have to start plan very well their daily activities thus they could minimize the cost incurred. Especially, people are able to minimize the cost of transportation through some manners. By implements “Drive less, save more” there are some advantages that worth those people itself. Some facets that will be discussed on this issue are included on healthiness issue, community view and economy perspective. These are the factors which we will give a very keen view on its causes, effects and how to overcome on the crisis.

February 06, 2014

What are the Rational Transportation Regulation Policy Implementations by Government?

In our perspectives, National transport regulation and policy provided are based on the existing policies such as the Road Safety Policy and National Construction Policy. These policies are made up to ease the consumer whom using the transportation in their daily life. After we defined the factors that contribute the rational transportation regulation and policy implemented by the government, we finally made into conclusion that there are 4 factors include which is safety, environment, traffic conjunction and lastly economic.

The Characteristics of Road Freight

First and foremost, talking about road freight what can you imagine of its features? First thing that would be in our mind would be truck transportation. Truck transportation is the most beneficial and accessible compared to the others. It is because the function of the truck itself that provides door to door services. Trucking can be said as the most importation for every shipment especially involving intermodalism.
