
February 06, 2014

What are the Rational Transportation Regulation Policy Implementations by Government?

In our perspectives, National transport regulation and policy provided are based on the existing policies such as the Road Safety Policy and National Construction Policy. These policies are made up to ease the consumer whom using the transportation in their daily life. After we defined the factors that contribute the rational transportation regulation and policy implemented by the government, we finally made into conclusion that there are 4 factors include which is safety, environment, traffic conjunction and lastly economic.

The first factor is about safety. Talking about Malaysian typical driver generally they park their vehicles at prohibited area which distrupt other road consumer especially in the peak hour or any seasonal time. For instance, sometime they park at the OKU (Orang Kehilangan Upaya) area or the roadside which distrupt the smoothness of traffic. The government regulation policy when it comes to this issue, its gives other convenience for using their right.

Instead of that, government regulation had decided any company must follow the policy which stated that the labor must only working within 8 hours per day. As an example, a lorry driver should working not more than 8 hours in order to ensure the safety of the driver where it could possibly cause an accident because of over time working as result from tired.

            Last but not least, the AES (Automated Enforcement System) camera that used to monitor the movement of the traffic along the highway is used by the National transportation regulation for the safety of the consumer. As for example, the function for AES camera is to detect directly the accident area.

            Secondly, the issues are keen on environment. The rational government regulation specified that there is a limit for every quantity of the items that should be delivered. Otherwise, the company can be summons by the authorities. This is due to air pollution that surrounds the community which gives bad impact for the health of the citizen.
Other than that, the government provides the garbage truck to evade the pollution and to save the environment. For instance, in our daily life there are the schedule of where picking garbage are implemented by the government at the residential part and rural area.
            Thirdly, we will discuss on the traffic conjunction issue. In order to reduce the traffic jam that usually occur at urban area the government encourage people to independently using the public transportation compared to their own transportation. As an example, the community can use the monorail, LRT, ERL and others.

            For other alternatives, variety of toll are opened for traffic smoothness for the development of nation. Such as highway Duke, Gaytri, MRR2 (Middle Ring Road 2), LEKAS ( Lebuhraya Kajang Seremban) and others.

            Besides, people should not drive not more than 110km/h as it can lead to many accidents happen. This is because the accident can result to traffic jam and other impacts. For example, if there’s  accident happen at highway, it will the cause of traffic which many vehicles will stuck at the place.

            Last but not least, we will move into economic purpose view. Government regulation are existed for country revenue in many ways and one of them are taxes that are charged towards the user. These are made up by the customs to contribute in aspect of nation economy. Road tax are one of the taxes that must been paid by the consumer once a year.

            Besides, levy taxes must be paid for every truck as one of manners on how government gains their revenue itself. It could be through both ways, either the truck come from Singapore to Malaysia. Also bring product from Malaysia and penetrate into Singapore’s market. It’s all actually depends on what types of product to pay the taxes.

            Furthermore, one of the objectives of paying toll for every destination will be divided into some specific part. Such as, revenue will be apart into government, maintenance of the highway and other else. Though, these will help the country into the growth of economic scale.


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