
Truck Mode

This is truck mode. Most using during transportation.

Air Mode

This is air mode. Have high speed but low capacity

Cargo ship

This mode have high capacity. It have low speed, sometimes take month to reach the destination.

Freight train

This is train mode.


High investmen but low cost of maintainance. Usually to transport gas and liquid.

Welcome to our website. We are from KPM Bandar Penawar, course in Diploma in Integrated Logistics Management.

Our class had be assign by our lecturer to post blog about world of logistics.

January 29, 2014


Public transportation is vital in every country in the world. It can make accessibility to the urban area and ease the people that live in urban area possible to get into their destination. Perhaps, public transportation would competently improve economy in our country. As example that nearly surrounds us is public buses such as Rapid KL and train likely ERL, KTM, LRT and others.

Public transportation can be said as the major contribution in our nation economy. Precisely, country revenue is arising from day to day. Apart from that, it thus provides people with new job opportunities which prevent a country from jobless issue. People will have their own income in order to support their own family. To that condition, it will also diminish the crime rates in the country where they have their own monthly income.

Cost of Transportation

Nowadays, cost of transportation is one of the important aspects that always being issued in logistics world services. All of these, because of, fuels plays big role as it will give big impact towards the transportation itself in deciding the price for the service provided.

As each transport provider must pay the price in order to produce transportation services, thus the transport cost played as a monetary measure for the services. Transportation costs are classified into a number of categories which is variable, fixed, joint and common cost.
