
February 26, 2014


Some may never hear about this company, some maybe likely know about this whole distribution company was. But, Al-Ain Distribution Company (AADC) was in the best gratitude among other Abu Dhabi’s distribution company. This company is actually a public joint stock company publishes on 1 January 1999 with the Head Office at Al Ain. AADC focus on the distribution of water and electricity which cover the Eastern Region of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi included the Al-Ain city and its rural area. Talking about employees there are more than 1934 around the end of 2012 and they basically provides their services at the area of East Region of Abu Dhabi(Al Ain Region) which deliver to over one half million people. 
AADC therefore take a keen concerned on this two party which is their customers and suppliers. In the corner of customer perspective, usually AADC strive for the best quality services to their clients. They adopt a long-term perspective of their client needs and interests. Strategic Planning will ensure services that meet their requirements and exceed their expectations. In the supplier perspective, they had established a long time relationship with their supplier. Prominently, there are some of the supplier had been supplying their products or providing their services to the company since the beginning. The relationship with our suppliers is reviewed periodically and depending on the requirement and market trend new partners are introduced to remain competitive and cost effective.


Nowadays, Al-Ain Distribution Company had become one of the top companies among others which currently updates with the latest technological systems with a complete equipment and facilities. In order to assure the continuity of power supply to consumers they provided the latest equipment in the modernization of power distribution network. . In particular, electrical energy is one of the most important and dynamic factors affecting the national economy. Al Ain Distribution Company is always aware of the responsibility of maintaining, developing and strengthening the main distribution network to meet the requirements of expansion within the city of Al Ain and its outside regions , it fulfills that by using different methods and adopting  new ideas meant to strengthen the network and related control activities.


Water is a daily basis needs for everyone in order to survive for everyday usage. Its emphasis the whole activity that we need to do for our daily operation. The water distribution system at Al Ain comprises of over 3,900 km of water pipelines, from 80 mm to 800 mm diameter and  8 water pumping station owned and operated associated plant which are owned and operated by Al Ain Distribution Company (AADC) and used for the distribution of filtered water to customers and commercial users.

AAs a result of implementing this project, Al Ain Distribution Company won the Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance for the class of the Technical Project for year 2009. More to the point, Al Ain Distribution Company received the award of excellence in the management of energy networks from the British establishment EA-Technology, being one of the world's leading companies in the maintenance of energy equipments through the application of digital mobile servicing system in the Middle East.


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