
February 13, 2014


In the view of logistics, there are some concepts that we implemented in order to fulfill customer requirement. As obviously we could see nowadays people also should have to start plan very well their daily activities thus they could minimize the cost incurred. Especially, people are able to minimize the cost of transportation through some manners. By implements “Drive less, save more” there are some advantages that worth those people itself. Some facets that will be discussed on this issue are included on healthiness issue, community view and economy perspective. These are the factors which we will give a very keen view on its causes, effects and how to overcome on the crisis.
First and foremost, we will explain on environment and healthiness issue which has been the most significant crisis among the society. Regarding to the topic which is “Drive less, save more” basically what will we understand based on the topic given by Mr. Zamri. This topic directly tell us to encourage ourselves to reduce the usage of fossil fuels. The more fuel your car uses, the more it impacts on the environment. It’s actually highlighted the words of “save environment” prominently to enlighten how does air pollution will give a big impact to the nation. To overcome this issue the Minister of health plays a big role into broaden the information of how fossil fuel will impact our health and environment. Thus it will reduce the cost of transportation in the country.
Next, we will look on the community view where based on the topics the community definitely will use their money as well as possible. Currently, economy issue had brighten up into become the essential matter among the society. Because of the price are rising and affecting an individual economy thus many are looking for the right ways to cut consumption and costs. In the view of a family, the parents play a big role of their economy management. As the effect from price fluctuation, most parents prefer of using the school bus service for their children. It does not only save the environment thus it will reduce the cost of living of a family.
For economy perspective, there are some manners which can be implemented in these crises. One of the government campaigns is to encourage people of sharing a car for multiple people. These are enlighten especially for the people who going to workplace together. From this practice, it will reduce the cost of transportation once we implemented some of these alternatives. The rising of fuel price will affected a lot of aspect in the country. The best example for this issue is where we usually unsatisfied with the rising on groceries price especially, and the best answer from the retailer that commonly we used to listen is because of the rising of fuel price thus it effect to a  lot of any other stuff. Therefore, as a community we need to have other intuitive of searching the best way to increase our income level.

Above all, we could not deny that public transportation gives a lot of beneficial in the nation. It does give people good facilities, so why not change your own destination by using as much as possible the public transportation? It does not only save your environment but also gives u a better cost of living. Throughout that, we assure you to choose the right modes of transportation to helps you saving the day.  


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