
February 20, 2014


Transportation is a key activity in logistics because it moves product through the various stages of production and ultimately to the consumer. One area of significant change in recent years has been the increase in the number of companies operating in the global marketplace. The global branding represents the brand power of a product. Brand power is best defined as the measure of a customer’s purchase preference based on manufacturer reputation, product quality and supply chain capabilities. Providing a branded product towards the market in the country will give a high level of customer satisfaction. For instance, NIKE is one of the well known products with certainly provides a high level quality where it is a worldwide. Therefore, by using transportation it gives a firm much more easily for them to globalize their product into worldwide. Thus, it will expend market towards globalization by using intermodalism where many modes of transportation are used for providing the delivery of the product.

In order to service global markets, transportation networks become necessarily for the community. This are vital enough especially for forward and reverse flow. In global production, we will discuss more on supplying product. Supply chain itself defined as a firm whom collaborating to leverage strategic positioning and to improve operating efficiency. Well for the best example, in India beef are prohibited as well as serving it at any restaurant. Therefore, by using transportation and delivered food which much more appropriate with the country rules and regulation will gives the benefits to the firms themselves? For the best example in this situation, MacDonald restaurant located in India where once being boycott by the community for serving beef burger where it is prohibited to the country for even eat the food. To resolve this problem they change the menu by delivering the menu follows the regulation. The key is, transportation is important of serving the best quality product.

Each motherland has their own specialties which give big benefit to the kingdom itself. Therefore, it also depends on how they manage and control the specialties effectively and efficiently thus it will worth the country so much more then. As the kingdom are able to earn revenue to the max once they have a very good planning towards the specialties they owned tough. Which means, planning is about ensuring either the operation or process or activity of a product is set up to run properly? It’s actually focusing more on ‘doing the right thing’. Country also able to gain and even more profit if they used it in such variable manners to many types of product. Once they have stable economy of the specialties, thus they have such a big chance to penetrate into global markets. Besides, the country itself may become as supplier to supply the product wide globally. For instance, Brunei Darul Salam is one of the richest country around the world as we already knew. As they had such a big specialties of fuel in the area of their kingdom. Obviously, It really gives such a big impact towards the nation’s revenue. In the view of the specialties they had, they are able to conquer world to the max worth billions.

Information does becoming the most important facet that organizes the delivery operation of the product from the point of the origin to the point of the consumption. Therefore, firms ought to plan well thus all their information related to the product are widely spread out to the word. As world growth up with high technology, thus many firms implement by using a system as a keeping record all the information related to the firms’ businesses. For instance, customs can be defined as the centralization of information between both kingdoms. Those firm who widely global their product used the customs as the center of all information related. Firm might use intermediaries to obtain more details regarding the product itself.

Talk about centralization of inventories, for the sure all of you imagine that the warehouse in the centre between the consumer. Actually, that imagined possibility was right. Warehouse must be nearest with the consumer in order to fulfill the customer demand and it is will be easy to the customer to get the products or services as they want. For example, the company come from Terengganu. Whereas the customer come from Johor. For the customer it is difficult to get the product. If the company has a warehouse in the centre between Terengganu and Johor, it will be easy to the customer to get the products or services. They no need to go to the company for get the product as long as the company has a warehouse in the middle.


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